When you walk into our studio, one of the first things you will notice is a wall full of testimonials from clients who have completed our 6 levels program.
Their stories tell how their lives have changed for the better, how they have transform and have more energy and overall health, and how they have found strength they didn't know they had after our 6 levels. These are not paid actors like you see on TV, these are real people who train with us in our studio and have experienced a real transformation .
We at 1ON1GETFIT know how to get you the results that you are looking for, and we would love the opportunity to help you become the absolute best version of YOU that you can be.
Scroll down FOR some of our clients' testimonials.
Strategic in Nature..
​Looking for a personal trainer who is dedicated to your success? Look no further than Eddie at 1on1getfit! With a strategic approach to fitness and personalized attention in every session, Eddie crafts collaborative plans tailored to your unique needs. He is committed to monitoring your progress every step of the way, making him a true gem in Marco Island's fitness scene. Don't miss the opportunity to work with Eddie and reach your fitness goals!
Keith B.

Me now at 50..
As a former college basketball player, I know what it means to be in shape. However, after college I found myself lacking the discipline to stay with an exercise program except for jogging. Eventually, my knee problems impeded my jogging. I tried several video exercise programs, but my lack of accountability led me to start and stop many times. Therefore, I never made much progress and my physical appearance continued to deteriorate. When I turned 50, my frustration reached its peak. It was at that time that I met Eddie and decided to give 1 On 1 Get Fit a try.
Now, just over a year later, my only regret is that I didn’t meet Eddie sooner. I’ve seen my body fat go from 27% to 17%, and I’ve lost nearly 25 pounds while adding muscle. In addition, Eddie has taught me proper lifting techniques that I never learned as a college athlete. The accountability has turned an exercise program into a habit and a diet into a lifestyle. Thanks Eddie!
Jim E

​​Everything I was looking for in Personal Training!
I neglected my fitness for decades. I was careless about my nutrition I rarely exercised. I did not live a healthy lifestyle. My primary excuses for this neglect were my job and my children.
By September of 2016 both of my children were in college and I had really run out of reasons not to spend some time improving myself. I saw the sign for 1ON1GETFIT and emailed Eddie. I met with him and within 24 hours I had enrolled. His enthusiasm and obvious expertise made my decision easy.
Eddie has a gift for knowing, just by watching and speaking with someone, how to tailor a fitness and nutrition program that will work for that person. The nutrition plans that he designs are easy to follow and the workouts are challenging but not impossible.
Six levels later I’m very happy women with the results. I would recommend Eddie's 6 levels program to anyone looking to get healthy and fit.
Thank you so much! 1ON1GETFIT.
Nancy M
Best program ever!
I had been noticing the signs for "1 on 1 Get Fit"as I drove to and from work and always had it in the back of my mind that I should check it out. I finally did last spring and it was probably one the best things I have done for myself. Eddie was able to meet with me that day to go over his program. He seemed to understand what I wanted to get out of the program, but probably more important he knew what I needed to get out of the program. He addressed not only the exercise component but also the nutritional aspect of becoming optimally healthy. As a result of proper exercise and healthy eating I have lost body fat, trimmed down in areas I thought were impossible to trim, increased my stamina and have developed a healthier diet.
Eddie is a trainer who is compassionate about his profession and extremely knowledgeable about how to help you reach your goals. I only wish I had made that call sooner!
This program is top notch! It has helped me set a new path for myself to continue to work towards being in the best physical shape I can be in. THANK YOU !
Barbara B

I finally found what I was missing
6 months ago I reached my goal weight at Weight Watchers, but I felt something was still missing. I was at a "good" weight I thought, but I didn't feel fit. I noticed the road side board for 1 on 1 Get Fit, so I stopped in to check it out. After talking with Eddie I realized his program was just what I needed. His exercise and food plan was tailored just for me. The atmosphere in the studio is very private and I didn't have to "kill" myself to achieve the desired results. I have gotten much stronger and toned and I no longer worry about hurting myself taking care of my mom. I have dropped another 10 pounds and reduced my Body fat by 6% and as a bonus I have an improved mental state as well!
Lynn W.
6 Levels after...
6 months ago I had decided I needed a change...my clothes were starting to tighten and I knew I needed to start exercising. I had tried going to the gym but was bored and didn't know what to do on the machines. I became frustrated with trying to lose weight and being unsuccessful so I started searching for gyms/weight loss programs and came across 1ON1GETFIT.
Ever since I have started the 6 level program I have lost 8.5% bf and learned so much about eating and exercising. I didn't realize how easy eating healthy can be. I have not only lost weight but have gained muscle more energy and confidence. Both Eddie and Jay have made my workouts fun and fulfilling and I am excited to continue with the next levels of fitness!
Thank you 1ON1GETFIT.

Time to get fit!
The day I picked up the phone and called 1 on 1 get fit was the
Best decision I have made in a very long time!
When I joined 1ON1GETFIT...I was very overweight and a diabetic! My numbers for my diabetes were climbing! I thought I had it under control but apparently I didn't!
I met with Eddie and 3 days later my 6 level program began. Eddie worked out an exercise routine that fit my individual needs as well as a food plan designed for me. When I started seeing results that I though would never happen, I was so excited and loved going for my fitness training session! Eddie and then Jay always watch out for your well being, making sure you are exercising properly and your form is correct to be able to get the best results you can! Soon I was able to come off one of my diabetic medications! So excited about that too! I just can't say enough good things about Eddie and Jay! I can say if it weren't for them, I would not look and feel as good as I do today! I have more energy, am down 4 dress sizes
And I'm still going! Thank You Eddie and Jay for changing my life!
I could not have done it without you two.... Your the best!
My new body!
I first heard about 1ON1GETFIT through my friend Sarah, who trained with Eddie and had amazing results! I have never had a weight problem but I was unhappy about my level of fitness and the way my body looked. I also enjoy running but found myself being plagued by injuries and knew I needed to do something to strengthen my body . I remembered the great results my friend had from 1ON1GETFIT so I gave them a call and I am glad I did! I have been training with Eddie since February and can feel and see my body getting stronger and becoming more fit, Eddie has not only shown me how to strengthen my body with weights but also how to fuel my body nutritionally to maximize muscle development. I feel stronger and have more energy at 50 than I did in my 30’s!!! I know I made the right decision to call 1ON1GETFIT and I am looking forward to seeing more changes and a higher level of fitness in the coming months!

When I turn 50....
When I turn 50 I said "this is the year that I will get fit" When I turn 51 I said "this is the year that I will get fit" . Then I turn 52 and said the same thing but nothing changed. I belonged to gym but never got the results I wanted until I joined 1ON1GETFIT and learned how to train smart.
Eddie and Jay have a positive upbeat attitude that it made it easy for me to look forward to my workout -even after leaving the house at 7 am, working all day then getting to the gym at 630 pm to start my session. It madefor a long day but successful.
Eddie and Jay provided the encouragement and motivation to help me all 6 levels . This was something that I could not have done on my own. I learn how to train smart and eat smart and will always be thankful for this.
Yes I can ...
After losing quite a bit of weight on my own, I realize that I needed help to get to my desire goal. I had never gone to a personal trainer before, and Iwas somewhat nervous when I first approached Eddie at 1ON1GETFIT. After my free consultation with Eddie,I was immediately comfortable, and I decided to take the plunge and sign up. Looking back, I can honestly say I have never been more happy with a decision.
Eddie has changed the way I look at food, he has made exercise something to look forward to, and challenged me to push beyond what I could have imagined. I was not a big fan of exercise and working out, primarily because the only exposure I had to a gym was the few times I tried one of the "mega gyms". 1ON1GETFIT is a unique experience, with very personalized service. When I go to workout , I know I'm going to be coached by an expert I trust , someone who has been in the business for many, many years.
After almost a year at 1ON1GETFIT, I can honestly say that I have not felt this healthy in over twenty years. My confidencehas skyrocketed, and I feel like I can do anything I put my mind to.
Thank you 1ON1GETFIT!!!! I couldn't have done this without you.
Carol W.

My own Story...
While my history is different, my story is the same as most. I was in great shape as a teenager and let myself go through the years between simply getting older, less active, and lazier. Accountability, discipline and desire to get back into shape have always been a barrier as well until I connected with Eddie at One-On-One Get Fit. In 2013 my physical condition deteriorated and I was writing it off to laziness, lack of motivation, and old age [so I told myself]. Later in the year I discovered that I needed a double hip replacement and the arthritis was a large precursor to my physical shape. After surgery in early 2014 I then wrote off not getting into shape as a result of recovery. Finally, in the winter of 2014 my wife had enough of my excuses and set an appointment with Eddie. Oddly enough, I was at a follow-up appointment with my doctor getting yelled at for not being in better shape and recovering as a 46 year old should. My stars aligned and I was ready to take on getting healthier and back into shape with Eddie's help.
Initially, I was stubborn and thought I knew enough to eat healthier and simply work out with Eddie. Soon thereafter, I realized I was wrong and needed Eddie's guidance. So, I decided to do it 'his way' and not ask too many questions. Through the last six months, Eddie has taught me to eat healthier and exercise properly on my journey to workout smart - not hard. There have been times that I wanted to throw in the towel due to bad discipline habits or thinking that Eddie was wrong. As time went by and I was starting to see results, feel better and actually get compliments from others on my appearance, I knew I was on the right track. After losing over 30lbs and 10% in body fat, I must admit that Eddie is right and I am very grateful to have him at my side as I work toward a leaner, healthier and more fit me. I can also proudly say that while I am not done, I am doing this for me!
John Hathaway
I feel young again!
I was always proud of the fact that I maintained a healthy weight throughout my life through exercise and healthy eating. If I gained a few pounds over the holidays I cut back on calories and worked out more. But then Mother Nature threw me a curve ball. Going through menopause changed my body. I became sluggish, and the pounds started to creep up. I tried to diet but ended up being only hungrier and would end up binge eating. The worst part was that the extra pounds settled around my belly. One day I tried on my favorite jeans and to my disbelief I couldn’t even zip and button them. I was the victim of “menopausal belly fat”.
I decided to give 1 on 1 get fit a call. Eddy saw me immediately (he knows how we all procrastinate) and we got going. We worked on my meal plan and my own personal workout. I was able to eat my favorite foods and to my amazement I was never hungry. Eddy was by my side when I worked out and made sure I was doing the exercises correctly. He always encouraged me during my workouts and when the weekend came his “Linda be good”, was my reminder to stay with my meal plan.
I just completed my 6 months with 1 on 1 get fit and I have been transformed. I have so much energy now and lost 12 pounds. My BMI is in the acceptable range, but the best thing is I lost 3 inches of belly fat. I am proof that even in your sixties you can be fit. And by the way, I can wear my favorite jeans again.

Two pregnancies, lack of exercise for 12 years, high cholesterol, a slumped back and lack of energy brought me to One on One Get Fit. I am 45 years old and I don’t think I have ever felt as healthy as I do today. As a matter of fact, my doctor said a few days ago, “This is the most healthy I have ever seen you.” I don’t need to see you for another two years.” I felt so proud and relieved at hearing these words. I have brought myself back to a healthy state of mind and body. My journey began 6 months ago and it has never been anything but hard work, great people and laughter at One on One Get Fit. I truly enjoyed Eddie’s energy and motivation, even when it was presented in the form of a “good scolding”; which was well needed at times. I went from 32% obese body fat to 25% acceptable . I moved down from 125 lbs. to 117 lbs. My husband says “You look like you did when we first met.”; that was almost 18 years ago. Though, I will admit looking healthy and young is awesome, however, it compares little to the awesome energetic feeling I feel every morning. My goal was not only to look better but to feel better. The level of energy and amount of strength I have now is remarkable. I was able to pick up my son and bring him upstairs to bed when he hurt himself one evening. I play tag with my family and I don’t feel out of breath. I was able to pick up my 40 lb. pit-terrier so I could bring him to the vet when he hurt his leg. I have the same level of intensity in the afternoon as I do in the morning, which is essential considering I teach little ones. I can’t speak enough of how amazing I feel. As I mentioned before, I love how I look; but, most importantly I love how I feel. I walk straighter with my head held high because I feel GREAT! Thanks Eddie for not only changing my body, but my mind and spirit as well!
My wedding day.. Thank you 1on1getfit
About 6 months before my wedding I went to go try on wedding gown with my bridesmaids. Being over weigh and inactive for most of my life, dress shopping has never been a pleasant experience for me. This time was no different. I hated each dress more than the one before and then it suddenly hit me that it wasn’t the dresses that I was unhappy with, but it was myself. Shortly after this disastrous event my mother brought me some information about One on One get fit in nearby Marlborough. After meeting with Eddie and Martha I decided to give it a try.
Having never had a regular work out regiment I was nervous. But on my very first session I was greeted with nothing but positivity and motivation. I really do not know where I would be without the help from Martha and Eddie. One on one is really the total package, Eddie was able to make me a meal plan that didn’t require me to eat anything I disliked and my work outs (for the most part) always very fun. After my initial session Eddie took over as my full time trainer and helped me transform myself into a better me. Thirty pounds and 4 dress sizes later I am so thankful that I joined One on one get fit. I never believed that I could feel this good about myself. The close attention and dedication from the trainers is really what I needed to stay motivated and keep going to reach my fitness goals. I recommend that anyone who needs a boot in the healthy direction get started with Eddie and his crew. Thank you so much for helping me come this far.

I'm so Happy!! Thank you 1on1getfit
I joined 1ON1GETFIT because I wanted to lose weight and improve muscle tone. Eddie and the staff has helped me meet both of those goalsby designing a menu and exercise program specifically for me. What I like most about Eddie is the knowledge and how he applies his principles of fitness to each individual at the studio.
I would never have Thought at my age that I would enjoy working out with weights and exercise equipment but I can see now why people get hooked on fitness and working out. The conditioning has helped me feel stronger and I am pleased with the results of the program that have changed my outlook and shape in my six levels of training here.
Eddie,the pleasure was all mine.
So happy I did it!!!
Having just completed my 6 levels at 1ON1GETFIT, I'm very happy with my results and feel great. Before I even signed up, I wasn't sure if this was right for me. I wasn't worry about the training aspect (I do need someone to push me once in a while!) but I wasn't sure my 60-ish body could handle it. But after my first consultation with owner/trainer, I was sold. He explained what the program could do for me, and what we needed to do in order to get there. He very strongly cares about each individual,and wants each person to "be the best they can be" phisically. I hadn't intended signing up for an additional 3 levels, but seeng the results I achieved after the first 3 levels, I wanted to keep going ahead with it.
The studio itself is very inviting, and I loved that fact that there is a select clientele. You have a personal trainer when you're there, and you have their complete attention-in other words,"you feel special"
I'm very glad I stayed with the program, and would recommend this approach if you're interested in getting yourself physically fit,because you DO get results. And aren't you worth it?
Thanks 1ON1GETFIT and team!!!!!

Fit at "72"​
A year ago I finally had enough of being the "jolly fat girl". First, I am so not "jolly," and at the advanced age of 72, I could hardly be called a "girl." But I was fat, am more important, I was really out of shape. As a young woman I had been very athletic, but those days were long gone. I was overweight, had suffered several falls in the past few winters, had increasingly frequent back and hip problems and was facing an unpleasant future of walkers, canes and dowager's hump.
A woman at my bank in Marlborough changed all that. When I went in one day she looked so different, I hardly recognized her. Her secret? She has been going to 1ON1GETFIT, an exercise studio in Marlborough where she received personal training. Having tried every diet known to man and never being able to keep the weight off, I decided-why not try a different approach? And so I did. Was it hard work? Yes. It required persistence, patience and commitment. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
A year later, I look and feel completely different. It's more than the weight I've lost, or the fact that I dropped two clothing sizes, what's made all the difference is the muscle I've gained, my new strength, energy and flexibility. (My doctor says I should be a poster girl for people my age. He has me do bending, stretches, squats and then adds, "That's remarkable".) By combining reasonable eating, cardio exercise and weight training under the weekly supervision of Eddie (the owner) and Martha, I have changed my future...and my life.
I joke that i'm going to start wearing skinnly little tube tops, arm wrestle in bars for money, ask complete strangers to "hit me right here,"in my new-found abs, and beat up purse snatchers...Seriously, what I have learned is you are never too old to get fit.
It doesn't matter if you're 60, 70, or 80, run, hobble or crawl over to the 1ON1GETFIT Studio. You won't reget it. It's the smartest thing I've done for my health since I stopped smoking 25 years ago. Go for a consultaion; change your life!
Fit At "50"
After learning that I had to have a hip replacement at 50, I was determined to 'Get Fit' during my recovery! After I got the clearance from my doctor, I decided to join 1ON1GETFIT. I met with the owner Eddie & we developed a nutrition plan that worked for me. I loved how the nutrition plan included all of my favorite foods, and I never felt like i was "dieting". I had tried several diets in the past, but I learned that you don't need to "diet" to get fit and look great! My favorite thing was the atmosphere! It was nice walking into a studio where everyone knew your name, said hello and complimented you on your success. I also liked that all of the staff were so positive, answered all of my questions & were really there for me! My personal trainer Martha was the best! She worked with me for 6 levels and kept me on track. I couldn't have done it without her! I have lost 21 pounds and 9% body fat, & went from a size 14 to a size 8! I did it!!
Mary Beth

My Personal Transformation
It was a cold winter day, and I felt as blah as the weather. Dumpy, no energy, far older than my years, depressed, just BLAH. I had learned nothing from my years of rollercoaster dieting, and found myself heavier and slower than I could have ever imagined. I joined 1ON1GETFIT and the transformation began. It was clear to me that I did not have the knowledge, tools, or self-discopline to make the change on my own. In fact, I wasn't sure I could ever change. So I signed up wfor the whole 6 Level program with fitness and nutrition, and change I did! I have lost 30+ pounds, over 10% body fat, and went from a size 14 to a size 6!! I feel and look like a new person! The staff at 1ON1GETFIT have been just awesome! Martha, Steph, and Megan, my trainers, worked with what I needed to get me on the right path! The owner, Eddie, has also been involved all along and won't let you cheat on yourself. I highly recommend 1ON1GETFIT! This team has the knowledge, skills, and just the right push to get you where you want to go.
Fit At "60"
In July, 2013 I decided I was fed up with the way I looked and felt. My meals seemed healthy but I also did a lot of unhealthy emotional eating. The weight crept up and I felt awful.After driving by 1On1GetFit for almost a year and never stopping in to see what they were all about, I decided to finally go in, just to check it out! Eddie, the owner/trainer spent time with me, letting me know what they would do for me to get me where I wanted to be. I signed up that day and with the help of Eddie, Martha and Megan I have gone from a size 12 to size 8! I feel stronger and more confident. I will be 60 years old and I can honestly say I am in better shape now than I was in my 30's!Thank you 1On1GetFit for always standing by me!

I Got My Life Back!
I work in the healthcare field so I see every day what neglect does to a body. People who don't excercise or eat right end up in our ER with heart attacks, diabetes, or strokes. I didn't want to be a statistic. I am 47 Years old & let myself go. I have 3 children who I adore & am married to my best friend Bill, but I always put everyone's needs before my own. I needed to change my ways, weighing over 200 lbs I felt tired and depressed. The hardest thing about 1ON1GETFIT was opening the door to ask for help. Everyone was encouraging & motivational. I learned how to eat right & excercise. Soon I could see the results of my hard work. I lost about 50 Lbs & 10% body fat! I couldnt have done it without Eddie, Megan & Martha. They are a great team, one I highly recommend. Without 1ON1GETFIT I would still be that unfit woman, but now I shop in regular clothes stores- no more plus sizes! I look in the mirror & feel more confident. I can run, I love the new me! I have my life back & I am happy!
I walked into 1ON1GETFIT five months after having my first baby. I had been out of shape for so long before being pregnant, I knew it was time for a change. I wanted to have energy to be the best mother I can, without worrying about how I looked. My main goal was to be more- for myself, my husband, and especially my daughter. Being a new mom, it's tough to find time for yourself! Eddie & all the trainers were supportive & flexible, helping me find a schedule that fit. 1ON1GETFIT is so upbeat! The staff makes you feel at home, smiling & commenting on your success. At many other "gyms" you are lost in the crowd. 1ON1GETFIT cared about my fitness journey; the trainers were always there for me. Eddie helped me push through six levels. It wasn't easy, but it was well worth it. I lost 30 lbs, 9% body fat and 4 pant sizes. I am thrilled with my results! I can't wait until our next family vacation to play in the ocean with my daughter and not give a thought to how I look in my bathing suit!

Halfway Through My Fitness Journey
My name is Sheila Einhorn and I am 67 years of age. I began "1ON1GETFIT" the last week of June 2013. I have lost 8% body fat so far and I am only half way through(Level 3). I was not sure if it was the right approach for me as I have injuries collected over the years. I also had stomach surgery a year 1 1/2 years ago that cut through all my muscles. It has been hard getting those back. I was a member of both Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. I tell you this because, while I have lost weight with them, I never felt fit. They tell you to exercise, but it means walking or bike riding. No one ever taught me how to get fit. My journey is only half way but I feel that this is the first time I am in control. The team approach and my personal trainer Megan have been great. I could not have gotten to this stage without them. I have learned a great deal about myself. I found out I am tough and want to succeed. Thank you 1ON1GETFIT for helping me through this journey.
Never Too Old To Get Fit
My goal when I started 1 On 1 Get Fit was to be in the best shape I could be at my age (66). I had signed on for a trek to Bhutan that would require my optimal strength and endurance. I have always been physically active and I felt that I only needed a "tune-up" to get me ready for this trek. Eddie took my body fat percentage 3 times before I realized that the numbers don't lie. How could I measure in the obese range of 32%? It just didn't make sense. Eddie created a fitness and nutrition plan that was geared to my goal and I stuck to it. I lost 10 pounds and 10% body fat. I now feel strong, healthy, and ready to experience one of the biggest challenges of my life. The last six months have been both physically and emotionally rewarding. I received a great deal of support and encouragement along the way which increased my motivation. What surprised me was that working out was actually enjoyable. My journey to Bhutan will last two weeks, my journey to fitness will last a lifetime.

I am 65 years old and have trained with One-on-One since July 2020. I have had a very good experience at One-on-One and would encourage others to find their way to the greater fitness, nutrition and positivity through their unique, proven and successful 6-Step Get Fit Program.​
I was a decent athlete 45 years ago and was aesthetically fit. Along the way I lost my 'fitness driving wheel' and from time to time endeavored to drop weight, get in shape, etc. But those well intentioned struggles to regain some fitness never lasted or really combined a true well balanced personal fitness direction that included exercise/working out but emphasized that nutrition and what you do outside the gym was equally if not of greater importance than the work put in during workouts inside a workout routine.
Eddie Abrego and Chris Andrew Brent are great to work with and make it a positive experience every time I go in to work with them. I am learning proper exercise technique and a personal training regimen that I know will carry over with me for a life time. Their emphasis on balanced nutrition has also made a grand impression - yet with the positive expression that there must be time to step up and out and enjoy your life as well.
Great place to be and learn in a full on positive, meticulously clean environment. As someone else who trains there said to me - 'who really wants to just be average?' They couldn't be more right.